The Day God Shut Noah In The Ark
First, regarding the Great Flood, it did happen. The same science that told us it was safe and effective to inject material into our bodies that causes our cells to produce spike protein told us that the Great Flood is a myth. I do not regard such liars. Such people only tell the truth on occasion in order to get your trust when they start telling lies.
The Great Flood is a fact. We do not know how many years passed between when God warned Noah of the imminence of the deluge and the moment the first rain drop fell, but most who have studied the relevant passages of the Bible narrow the figure down to between 50 years and a century.
When Noah first put axe to notch the people of his time had never seen rain, as we are told through Scripture that the earth was watered through a dew that came up from the ground. This does not necessarily mean that it had not ever rained upon the earth; it simply means that the people of Noah's age had not experienced it during the short time that they had knowledge of. We do not know what the precise conditions of the earth were in those days and if science knows the truth it is not telling it, as in most things.
All that aside, it may be likely that when the structure of Noah's project began to take shape his neighbors may well have thought him to have lost his mind. For many long decades Noah labored in his faith, the fruit of which extended beyond the lifespan of most men today.
Yet Noah kept his nose to the grindstone for God had shown him a future cataclysm that would come near to ending mankind’s existence in this world. Noah believed and did not cease until his work was finished.
Many have speculated as to why God shut Noah and his family in the ark seven days before the rains began. It may have been that the onslaught had begun at that time in some distant part of the earth. We do not know. It was a test of the faith of Noah and his family. They had time to think and reflect and prepare themselves for what was coming. They had time for doubts to rise up. As those hours and days passed the ridicule of those outside may have risen to a fever pitch.
We are told in 2 Peter that Noah was a "preacher of righteousness." Noah preached with his axe and with his chisel. Noah preached with his actions in preparing the ark.
The storm clouds are gathering in this earth today. Many people are not
noticing it. They are too busy marrying and giving in marriage. They are too busy making money. We are told that one day commerce will be the snare in which many men shall be caught.
We do not have long.